Name of Person Requesting Cancellation or Correction of Approved Announcement* First Last Contact E-mail* Which ministry team has oversight of this event?*Please Select a Team:Worship TeamOutreach TeamRelationship TeamDiscipleship TeamCoordinating TeamProperty TeamFinance TeamMercy TeamHelps TeamAdmin TeamNot a Ministry EventAll ministries of Gashland need to coordinate their events with a ministry team. All other announcements will be filtered through our administrative staff.Are You Wanting To:Please Select One:Cancel AnnouncementChange AnnouncementReason for CancelingThe announcement originally went in with a ministry code and therefore the approval of the Ministry Team. Therefore, canceling it should be a decision of the team or a clear error in the announcement.I would like to:Please Select One:Give Notes for CorrectionResubmit AnnouncementPlease note, the clearest way to get the announcement you want is to resubmit the entire announcement. However, the administrative staff can make minor corrections to dates, times, etc. For the sake of your announcement's clarity and our administrative time, please refrain from having them write the content of the message.Notes for Admin StaffWhen you click "Submit", your current announcement will be canceled and you will be directed to resubmit the announcement.