About Men’s Ministries:

Our Men’s Ministries seeks to build intentional friendships of accountably and love where we grow as brothers in Christ and where we spurn one another on to grow in our love for Jesus. We recognize that men often face unique challenges and unique pressures from the world. Therefore, it is our aim to provide a ministry that ministers and encourages men in these unique challenges and pressures through God’s Word and community. 

  • Saturday Morning Bible Study

    Every Saturday morning a group of men come and meet to study God’s Word and reflect on the sermon from the previous Sunday. We meet at 7:30am in the church Library. We hope to see you there! 

  • Men’s Sunday School Class


    The Men’s Class is a fellowship of men devoted to praying for one another and journeying together as we strive to live out Biblically based authentic manhood. The class is open to all men on an ongoing basis – its makeup shifts from session to session as men join and depart depending on the their season of life and the urging of the Lord. During this next session we’ll study of the book of Philippians – the “Joyful Letter” – to learn important truths about perspective when balancing life’s circumstances against the love of our almighty God. We invite any man who longs for a deeper and richer walk with God to join us! Located in Room 221 and taught by Chris Taylor.

Men’s Fellowship Campfires

Monthly men’s campfires will be held on the last Saturday of each month between 7:00 PM and 9:00 PM at the GEPC Pavilion. These fun evenings of food and fellowship are a great opportunity to spend time with old friends – and make new ones – while exploring the joy, risks, and rewards of walking with God in a community of men. All you need is a lawn chair, an appetite, and a desire to know God better! Questions? Please contact Chris Stackpole (c.stackpole@gmail.com or 817-223-0457) or Chris Taylor (christaylor90@att.net or 816-505-9443). Hope to see you there! *Please note, there are special events in November and December due to the holidays. 

Seasonal Men’s Ministry Events

The men’s ministry organizes various events throughout the year to grow in our relationships with one another. We attend Royal’s Games, do movie nights, and much more!  

Questions or Comments?

Please Contact Chris Taylor at christaylor90@att.net