Adult Education Spring 2014
Sunday Mornings 9:45-10:45
March 2nd—May 25th
The Men’s Class
Teacher: Chris Taylor, Room #221
The Men’s Class is a fellowship of men devoted to praying for one another and journeying together as we strive to live out Biblically based authentic manhood. The class is open to all men on an ongoing basis – its makeup shifts from session to session as men join and depart depending on the their season of life and the urging of the Lord. In March we’ll continue our examination of how God designed men and the rich calling we have as men to reveal him in ways that are uniquely masculine using scripture and Dr. Larry Crabb’s book Men of Courage: God’s Call to Move Beyond the Silence of Adam. We invite any man who longs for a deeper and richer walk with God to join us; it isn’t necessary to have attended this class in the past to join the spring session!
(This class is for men only so that we can address the unique issues facing Christian men today by sharing in an open and secure environment.)
BE Alive! BE Transformed!
Teachers: Larry Harris & Paul Weatherford, Reception Room
Come to better know the living Savior as we study the Gospel of John, as presented by Warren W. Wiersbe. Come to this study with the heart and mind of a worshiper. John paints exciting pictures of our Lord and Savior. We invite you to come and we will behold His glory, full of grace and truth.
The End of the World (Part 2)
Teacher: Matt Martinie, Room #217-218
Are we living in the End Times? Nearly every modern-day book on the subject says that we are. The rapture, the great tribulation, the antichrist, 666, the millennium, the resurrection, judgment day, Heaven and Hell. All of these subjects and others are included in the doctrine of eschatology, the study of the last things. Though there is some confusion and debate regarding these important biblical truths (should we be prepping for doomsday?), please join us as we continue to unpack what the Lord would have us know about the end of the world.
Living by Faith
Teacher: Eric Adams, Room #219
We know that we are saved by faith, but what role does faith play in our daily lives? This class will explore the nature and importance of faith.
(Note: This class is for post-high school & pre-career)
Timothy, A Game Changer!
Teacher: Binny Pearce, Room #220
Young idealistic men and women have great ambitions to change the world. Some dream of doing it; some make plans to do it; others just quietly do it. Meet Timothy. A faithful Mom and Grandmom taught him the ways of God, and Paul introduced him to Jesus and trained him to be a leader in the faith. And Timothy helped change the world. The book of First Timothy is Paul’s instructions to Timothy while he is serving as the pastor at Ephesus. The book has wide appeal because of its practical advice in many subjects. Its largest appeal is urging us all to stand firm in the truth of the Gospel.
If you are generally in your 20s (…we fudge a bit) and want to be a part of a dynamic group, join us!
The Games People Play
Teacher: Beth Armstrong, Fellowship Hall
The games people play now | Every night and every day now | Never meaning what they say now | Never saying what they mean.” It was true in 1968 when that song was released, and it’s still true today. With this thought in mind, we’ll be viewing and discussing two 6-week DVD series:
Session #1—Twisting the Truth (by Andy Stanley). Lies, deception, twisted truth—not only are we faced with these every day, but unfortunately we buy into them. How can we begin to recognize and overcome these falsehoods?
Session #2—When the Game is Over, It All Goes Back in the Box (by John Ortberg). At the end of our lives, is it about “having” or “being”? How can we begin to live in such a way that we exchange the temporary for the eternal? Join us as we watch these two powerful videos and discuss how we can make lasting changes for our lives.
re:shape – Equipped to Equip Others
Five (5) Week Class Starting March 2rd, Teacher: Ritchey Cable, Chapel
Gashland is on a journey to discover how each of us are designed. This journey requires people who are passionate about helping guide others in this discovery. Starting March 2, we will have a five week training period where we learn about re:shape and the coaching and assessment role. We’ll also work through several real life “case studies” of the process. After this class, you will be ready to help others at our church discover God’s design for themselves and find their place in ministry.
Getting to Know Gashland
Six (6) Week Class Starting April 6, Teacher: Ritchey Cable (and Other Leadership), Chapel
Are you new to Gashland or interested in learning more about us? Then save the date for our next Getting to Know Gashland class. Beginning Sunday mornings, April 6th. This six week class held during the Sunday school hour is an opportunity to hear from the pastor and other leaders about Gashland and a chance to ask questions about the life and ministry of GEPC. This class is a great opportunity to meet others and is a path toward membership for those who so desire. Coffee and Danishes with be served. Everyone in the class will receive an invite to Ritchey and Melissa Cable’s house for a pastor’s dessert and fellowship time. See you there!