So you want to plan a ministry event at Gashland? The steps below are to help you make sure your event is planned and promoted effectively. From approval, to planning, to promotion, please allow SIX WEEKS.
Step 1 – FILL OUT THE MINISTRY EVENT FORM – Your event needs ministry approval from a ministry team. This is the crucial first step in planning and promoting a ministry event. All Gashland events must have ministry team oversight. There are nine ministry teams that oversee all events that occur at Gashland. If you are uncertain of which team would oversee your event, please CLICK HERE to open a new window with the teams listed. When you know the team that would have oversight fill out the ministry event form by clicking “Step 1” above. This form will send the event information to the ministry team and they will decide on approval at their next monthly meeting.
Step 2 – FILL OUT THE MINISTRY FACILITY REQUEST FORM – Once a ministry team has approved your event, you need to fill out a property request form if your event requires use of the church facilities. While we do give preference to church ministries and events, Gashland hosts a variety of events, so the sooner you can get this in the better.
Step 3 – FILL OUT THE SUBMIT A LINK ANNOUNCEMENT FORM – When you are ready to promote your event, you may submit an announcement on Gashland’s website to run in digital and printed versions of “The Link”.