About Discipleship Ministries:

Our discipleship ministries at Gashland EPC seek to foster spiritual growth and development by “Teaching these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you” (Matthew 28:20, NLT). As you will discover below our discipleship ministries include Adult Sunday School, WISE Mentor Program, Library Ministries, Church-Wide Discipleship Emphasis, Bible Studies, and Conversations among other things.

Adult Sunday School:

Men & Women: Offered from 9:45-10:45am join a number of Sunday School classes for an opportunity to dig deeper into the Bible. You can find the Sunday school descriptions below of by clicking the following link: Winter  2019 – Adult Sunday School Classes

  • The Men’s Class: Difficult Passages in Scripture

    Teacher: Bob Williams

    Synopsis: Many passages in Scripture are challenging, not because they are hard to understand, but because, at first glance, they appear to be understandable but they are often difficult to apply. Some examples found in Philippians might be, “…count others more significant than yourselves.” or “Do all things without grumbling or disputing..” or “Rejoice in the Lord always…” In this class, we will explore some of these difficult passages found in the Epistles authored by Paul, Peter, James & John. We will study them in the context of the passage and in the context in the Bible as a whole and then discuss together how to live-out these truths in our culture and in our lives.

    * This class is for men only so that we can address the unique issues facing Christian men today by sharing in an open and secure environment.

    Room: 221

  • The Gospel of Mark

    Teacher: Kelly Dunn

    Synopsis: The Gospel of Matthew is written to Jews telling them that Jesus is the Messiah King who fulfills Old Testament prophecy. Mark is written to Romans telling them that Jesus is the Suffering Servant who actively ministers on our behalf and gives His life as a ransom form any. Luke is written to Greeks telling them that Jesus is the perfect Son of Man who came to save and minister to all people through the power of the Holy Spirit. John is written to the world, telling that Jesus is the fully human, fully divine Son of God in whom we must believe to have eternal life.

    The Gospel of Mark is fast-moving and hard hitting! By the far the shortest of the four Gospels, it is noted as much for what it omits as what it includes. In Mark there is no genealogy of Jesus, no miraculous birth narrative with Bethlehem and shepherds, no childhood at Nazareth or visit to the temple, no Sermon on the Mount, and few parables.

    To summarize, Mark recorded in rapid fire succession, specific events from the life and ministry of Jesus to prove to a Roman audience that He is the Christ, the Son of God, who served , suffered , died , and rose again as the Suffering Servant of the Lord depicted by the prophet Isaiah.

    Room: 217-218

  • Pray Always

    Teacher: Mark Lancaster

    Synopsis: During the Sunday School hour, we will gather to talk to the Lord. There will be a short lesson or scripture reading, then we will pray for what anyone would like to bring. Whether you pray out loud or to yourself, you will find others who believe that praying together and praying regularly are important.

    Room: 219

  • The Power of One Word: A Study of Philippians

    Teachers: Beth Armstrong

    Synopsis: If we were to sum up the book of Philippians in one word, it very well might be joy. Despite being in prison when he wrote it, Paul’s letter is an uplifting, encouraging message to this body of believers. There was no crisis or deep doctrinal dilemma at the time. Just a spontaneous utterance of joy. It’s joyful, and Jesus-filled. Because the book is so familiar and often quoted, our main thrust will be in the Message Translation, steadying ourselves in other translations as we go. We’ll sum up each lesson with one word–one powerful word to focus on and challenge us throughout the week.

    Room: Fellowship Hall

  • College & Career

    Teacher: Derek Williams

    Synopsis: College and Career will be looking at “Hot Topics”, studying what the Bible says about them and discussing what the Christian response has been and should/could be. Come and be a part of the story!

    Room: 220

W.I.S.E. Mentor Program

Purpose Statement: “To equip and disciple God’s flock by providing mentoring relationships where God’s people can grow in grace and godliness from generation to generation.”

Overview: If you are looking to be a mentor or if you are looking to be mentored, we can help! The W.I.S.E. Mentor seeks to help connect the Gashland Family so that they can mentor and be mentored by others.

Equip: If you are interested in being a mentor, we provide a short training seminar that will help equip you to mentor!

Commitment: The W.I.S.E. Mentor is a three month commitment where we ask the mentor and mentee to meet at least 5-6 times (approximately twice a month). People are more than welcome to meet more than that if both parties desire to do so! The W.I.S.E. Mentor Program takes place in the Fall from September-November and in the Spring from March-May.

Sign Up: You can sign up online at gashland.org/mentor

Questions: Send an email to Michael Morefield at michael@gashland.org or come find us at the table after one of the services on Sunday Morning.

Library Ministries

The Discipleship Team at Gashland EPC has spent a lot of time updating our library with great resources to help you grow in your walk with the Lord. We would encourage you to check it out the next time you are at church. Among a great variety of books for Christian living we also have resources for community groups, children books, commentaries, and bible studies.

Bible Studies:

We have a variety of Men’s and Women’s Bible Studies that are offered throughout the year. Please go the Men’s Ministry Page or the Women’s Ministry Page for more information.


Join us Wednesdays for Conversations from January 23rd to May 1st! We have a church wide meal from 6:00pm – 6:30pm. Children and Students have a Wednesday Night Program from 6:30pm-7:45pm and the Adults have Conversations from 6:45-7:45pm. This Spring Semester for Conversations we will be going through a series called “Gospel Shaped Mercy.” The world we live in is a broken, fractured world that is hungry for the love and grace of Jesus. And while many churches are committed to worship, evangelism, and Bible ministry, we can be at times hesitant to engage in works of mercy and compassion. Yet, the gospel clearly calls us to works of mercy and compassion. It’s an integral part of our witness to the world and an integral part of following Jesus. In this series we will wrestle and learn how we as a church can do better in showing mercy and compassion to our neighborhood, community, city, nation, and world.